Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Kid Reporter on the Move

These last 2 weeks have been amazing! The annual Food Drive was a huge success, I taped my first show, attended my first formal dance, and hung out with the Circus! This Kid Reporter has really been on the move so I hope Santa can catch me. At the top of my wish list, is the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Memphis is on the Come Up

Wow, I was watching 106 & Park today as I try and recover from the Colonial Flu (stomach virus going around at my school) and who did I see in the new Yo Gotti video? Lil P-Nut a 7 year old very talented Rapper from Memphis. P-Nut was also recently on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I got to interview P-Nut and was very impressed. He was very well behaved and well spoken. At 7 you can see he has what most people say I have and that's the skills to keep Memphis on the Come Up.

I would like to thank Yo Gotti for hooking up with P-Nut and investing into the youth of our city no matter what their gift is. People you can say what you want about Hip Hop & Rap but it's not our enemy! This little guy is so talented which you will get to see in my interview for Action News 5.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doc Shaw from Disney XD

I recently got to Co-Host an event with Doc Shaw of the new Disney XD show "Pair of Kings"! You may know one of Doc's Co-Stars on Pair of Kings, Mitchel Mussio formally with the Hanna Montana show. In-between the rehearsal for the event Doc was kind enough to sit down with me for an interview. He had some very interesting things to say! Our interview will be aired during the taping of my new show for Kids on our local cable channel. Stay tuned for more info on MY new show!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Celebrity Siting!

Recently I met a very well know actress, Ms Elise Neal! Elise is known for her role in "Rosewood" the movie, sitcoms the Hugley's and All of Us. She came back to her hometown, Memphis TN to film and the premiere of her new movie called N-Secure. She also made an appearance at my home away from home, Action News 5. She didn't come alone. Accompanying her was Ms. Caryn Ward, another well known actress who has made a name for herself on the hit sitcom "The Game" as a Sunbeam Member.

Ms. Neal spoke to Ben Watson of Action News 5 and I got to be there! While she spoke to him I couldn't help but to think how amazing it was that a person just like me who came from Memphis wanted to be an Actress and went to a Performing Arts School and actually made it. It was inspiring to me! She spoke about having will power, drive and overcoming set backs. When she was done with the interview I was motivated to continue my goal of one day becoming a famous Actress!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

check out his doll a Fan made of me! Her name is Kadeidra because my momma said there is only room for 1 Deidra n her life n cant handle another 1. Kadeidra will be go n with me on my Cruise n I will post pics of her @ some of the sites. Carnival will also post interviews I conduct on board on their FB n Twiter accts!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What A Great Day/Today Lends A Hand

Today I lended a hand with the "Today Lends A Hand" campaign when it came down to Memphis hosted by Al Roker. I was there early in the morning with Action News 5 and a bit later I was on The Today Show. The charity that was benefiting from "Today Lends A Hand" was a Memphis dance studio. They received all kinds of things to help with the building and the teaching. There was every thing from Expo Markers to Air Conditioners. Now I know I usually Blog on Sunday but Ron Childers made sure i did this today. My 2 favorite things about working with Ron is that 1. He never met a stranger and 2. He never stays on script. lol Which makes for some funny behind the scenes t.v. Thanks for watching cause We Get You Ready in the Morning

Always remember ,never forget..........wait i forgot.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wuzup Peeps! During one of my visits to NYC I got to see and visit with the cast of "Memphis" on Broadway. They just won a Tony Award! I am so proud of them and wish them continued success. I got to hang out a little backstage after the show and was trying out the Flip Cam I won on the Today Show. Check out my first promo! Catch you later. Pls don't forget to follow my Blah-g.